FHF Family Fun Bowling Event-Monday, February 18, 2013 (Presidents Day)
FHF Family Fun Bowling Event
FHF Family Fun Bowling Event – for special needs children and their families and friends
Showplace Bowling Center
141 E Service Rd
Staten Island, NY 10314-4764
(718) 477-2695
Monday, February 18, 2013 (Presidents Day) from 11:30am – 1:30pm
Cost: $8 per bowler for 2 games (includes shoe rentals). Pay at the door.
NOTE: We have reserved some lanes at Showplace but in order to guarantee sufficient lanes, we are requesting that you RSVP with a headcount. Each lane will have no less than 6 participants. If you would like to bowl with a group of 6 friends then you must email FHF the names in your group.
Otherwise, lanes will be randomly assigned on a first come, first served basis to all those on our RSVP list with walk-ins assigned secondly.
RSVP to fhf@fhfnyc.org
There will be volunteers at this event to help supervise the children so parents can sit back and relax.
Andrea Anna Lella CEO & Program Director
Families Helping Families Resource and Recreation Center
“We Believe In Angels”
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