FHF Family Fun Movie Event
FHF Family Fun Movie Event – Dr. Seuss “The Lorax” – Private Movie Theater
Sunday, March 11th
Doors open at 9:30am
Show starts at 10:00am
Payment in advance required – checks or online payments accepted
Come join FHF at our upcoming Family Fun Movie Event
Enjoy a wonderful judgment free day with FHF and Dr. Seuss!
in a Sensory Friendly Private Theater (brighter lights, lower volume) all to ourselves.
PLEASE NOTE:We need a minimum of 50 people to reserve the private movie theater. Payment must be received in advance.
All family and friends are welcome.
FHF Family Fun Movie Event – for special needs children and their families and friends
Private theater for FHF families – sensory friendly sounds and lights.
Movie: Dr. Seuss – The Lorax
Rated: PG
This is NOT a 3D showing of this movie
UA Hylan Plaza 5 Movie Theater
107 Mill Road
Staten Island, NY 10306
[located in Hylan Plaza Shopping Center with Kmart/Pathmark/Toys R Us]
Sunday, March 11, 2012 from 10:00am – 12:00pm. Please arrive by 9:30am.Ticket Costs:
Personal check = $6 per person (child and adult). Make check payable to Families Helping Families and mail to 112 Petrus Ave. SI, NY 10312. Please note names of people attending.
Online payments (PayPal and Credit Cards) = $6.50 per person (child and adult). Go to http://fhfnyc.org/ and click on BUY NOW for TICKETS button at top of any page. Please send email with names of people attending and how many tickets you are purchasing.
All money MUST be received NO LATER THAN Thursday, March 8th
FHF will email everyone to confirm whether the movie event is on or is cancelled.
NOTE: If we have less than 50 people then the event will be cancelled and all money will be refunded.
Please be aware: There will be NO volunteers helping at this event.
This is [name redacted] I purchase to tickect for Me and [name redacted] from the home page buy now.