June 24th Webinar: Work-Based Learning and Fair Labor Standards Act


NSTTAC, in partnership with other organizations focused on employment of youth and young adults with disabilities, has launched a newly reorganized Youth to Work Coalition (YTWC) website, accessible through NSTTAC’s website: http://www.nsttac.org/ytw/home

.  The purpose of this website is to provide resources that link employers and schools to create work-based learning experiences (WBLE) for students with disabilities.  The resources are organized across eight WBLE categories: (1) career exploration, (2) job shadowing, (3) job sampling, (4) service learning, (5) internships, (6) apprenticeships, (7) paid employment, and (8) mentoring.  Within each WBLE category, resources are organized for the following audiences: (1) schools, (2) businesses, (3) youth service professionals, (4) families, and (5) youth with disabilities.


In addition to these resources, there will be a a webinars as follows:

  • Tuesday June 24th, 2014 – 2:00 P.M. EST: Work-Based Learning and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): An in-depth training on the federal guidelines that must be used to establish the understandings between employer, school, family and student. (Judy Imperatore, Consultant)
To attend these webinars, you DO NOT have to register and they are FREE. The directions for logging into these webinars are as follows:

If you have questions regarding these webinars, please contact jjcease@uncc.edu.


New York State Education Department
P-12: Office of Special Education
89 Washington Avenue, Room 309 EB
Albany, NY 12234
Please note, this is not an FHF event.

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