FHF Family Fun Movie Event


FHF Family Fun Movie Event – for special needs children and their families and friends

Private theater for FHF families – sensory friendly sounds and lights.

Movie: Journey 2 The Mysterious Island

Rated: PG

This is NOT a 3D showing of this movie

Video clip: http://www.fandango.com/journey2:themysteriousisland_135727/movieoverview

UA Hylan Plaza 5 Movie Theater

107 Mill Road

Staten Island, NY 10306

[located in Hylan Plaza Shopping Center with Kmart/Pathmark/Toys R Us]

Monday, February 20, 2012 from 11:00am – 1:00pm.   Please arrive by 10:30am.

Ticket Cost:  $5.50 per person (same price adult and child).  To be paid in ADVANCE.

Make check payable to Families Helping Families and mail to 112 Petrus Ave. SI, NY 10312. Please note names of people attending.

All money MUST be received NO LATER THAN Thursday, February 16th.

FHF will email everyone to confirm whether the movie event is on or is cancelled.

NOTE: We must guarantee the movie theater a minimum of 100 people to have a private theater for this event. So have mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and all your family and friends come down.

If we have less than 100 people then the event will be cancelled and all money will be refunded.

There are NO volunteers helping at this event.

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